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Russian National Committee for Supporting UNEP  

Russian National Committee for UNEP is established in 1994 on a joint initiative of UNEP and a number of governmental structures of the Russian Federation, including the Foreign Ministry, as well as scientific and business community of the country, in line with the UNEP Governing Council decisions and resolutions of the 40th and 44th Sessions of the UN General Assembly. Founders of UNEPCOM are the Russian Academy of Sciences, the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences and Union of Journalists of Russia.

UNEPCOM is formed on the basis of the wide cross-sectorial representation – government, local administration, NGOs, academia, education and culture, woman organisations, business and industrial communities, mass media, religious, youth and other organisations and groups of the civil society. There are leading specialists and high ranking managers in UNEPCOM, which provide to get various scientific, public and administrative forces to take part in solving all kind of practical tasks in the field of the environment and development.

Activity of UNEPCOM, like all UNEP national committees, is aimed at the support of both UNEP and its own government in realisation of international agreements and implementation of complex programmes in the field of the environment and sustainable development at national level. On the one hand, it lobbies UNEP in regard to fulfilment of the UN decisions by the country, on the other hand – its own country in regard to defend its interests at the international level.

President of UNEPCOM is Andrey Adrianov, Vice-President of the Russian Academy of Sciencies.




Mr. Victor Usov
Executive Director and Vice-President of UNEPCOM
35, Shkolnaya St., 109544 Moscow, Russia
Tel: +7 (495) 632-4754
Tel/Fax: +7 (495) 632-4753
unepcom@mail.ruЭтот e-mail адрес защищен от спам-ботов, для его просмотра у Вас должен быть включен Javascript

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